At Baja Iron our value proposition is simple.   We convert your Harley Davidson Sportster (1986 - 2002)  into a Baja Iron Scrambler.   Conversion prices for your bike start at $7995, depending on the options you select.  Call us to work out a firm price based on the year/model/condition of your Sportster.   We also have several completed Baja Iron Scramblers to choose from.  Check with us for what we currently have available. 

We have a number of options available for each build ranging from rear shock selection, exhaust configuration, tire choice and gas tank capacity.  Bikes can be 883cc or 1200cc engines.  Baja Iron Scramblers come in any color you want - as long as it's black...

News Flash:  The original Baja Iron Scrambler (001) has been sold to the Harley Davidson Museum and will be on display later this year.

How it works...